Get helpful feedback from experts in clean transportation.
Scoring Committee members will score and provide feedback on the proposals assigned to them using the scoring rubric, and each eligible proposal will receive feedback from five judges. Scores are statistically normalized to ensure a level playing field. Once evaluation is complete, Principal Organizations will be notified in Winter 2021 on the status of their submissions and will receive instructions to request Scoring Committee feedback. Informed by the resulting rank order of proposals after Scoring Committee review, up to five Phase One Awardees will be selected.
The Selection Panel is comprised of members of NYSERDA and the NYS Department of Public Service. The Selection Panel will review the top-scoring submissions to select up to five Phase One Awardees based on the evaluation criteria and program policy factors in the rules. The Phase One Awardees will move on to Phase Two Planning Period.
In Phase Two, each Phase One Awardee with a project located in a utility territory regulated by the NYS Public Service Commission will receive a planning grant of $100,000 to strengthen, revise, and resubmit their proposals. Phase One Awardees will also be provided with up to $50,000 of in-kind support from experts and up to $50,000 in funding for their community partners to support their active participation in the final proposal development.
The Selection Panel will then select up to three recipients of grand prizes of $8 million awards.
Subject to the availability of funds, up to one project located within a community (or communities) served by the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA) may be selected for an additional Phase One award through the Electric Truck & Bus Challenge. Up to one additional project located within a community (or communities) served by LIPA may be selected for a Phase Two award out of the Phase One awardees from all three challenges in the New York Clean Transportation Prizes program.
Note: NYSERDA may select up to one Phase One Awardee serving a disadvantaged community located in an electric utility territory not regulated by the NYS Public Service Commission who will receive the access to experts and other support services. However, this Awardee will not receive the $100,000 planning grant nor the $50,000 for funding for their community partners, and will not be eligible to receive a grand prize award. This Awardee must secure alternative funding as needed to participate in Phase Two and/or to implement their solution.